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< Kaltra's Story >


Sorry for the time you guys waited for the update, whether or not you were waiting. I'll update as soon as my exams are over, or if I seriously need a break from my studies. For now, I've just read through my stories and edited the typos,grammar/point of view error and also parts of the story that I felt did not flow.


Kaltra - The Lone Walker Chapter 1 Part 4

"Wait, wait. I can tell you the secrets of the Blood Clan, your master will be pleased to find out about their arch enemies, won't he? I'll tell you if you spare my life," He choked the deal out the moment before the Dark Fang warrior thrust his blade into Kaltra's heart. After a short hesitation, he lowered his blade and attempted to chain Kaltra and bring him back to his master. In that instant, Kaltra used his inner life force to let out a mind blast, giving himself a split second time to grab the sword and end the warrior's life. After grabbing any useful remaining item, he pressed on to Douga.

Days passed and he felt stronger. He became sensitive to strangers and could foretell routes or stranger's true intentions. Also improving in his combat skills. He also hunted creatures for their food every night before camping at small dens or covers, which he spent the night while camouflaging.

For the first time in ten days, a smile appeared on Kaltra's face. Signposts pointing directions to Douga began appearing every hundred miles. Strange, there was nobody just outside of Douga. He remembered that whenever he went out of Douga, he would find many people traveling in and out, and also the neighbouring villages.

He began to grow suspicious. He hid under the shadows as he crept his way to the the main gate.
After reaching his destination, he jumped back a few steps, for in his face were the torn down gates and buildings, and dead Dougans' corpse lying all over.

Scouting ahead, he noticed nobody living was in the city. He ransacked houses after houses to find any survivors or items which he could carry for his journey ahead. True enough, there were some survivors. Not having much time, he rounded all the survivors he could find and gathered them at a broken down house in the heart of Douga.

They began explaining that the Zonians launched a secret attack after sending many spies into Douga. Everything in Douga was torn down or burnt to ashes. They also informed you of the great knight that protected Douga during the first war. The knight was Sir Cyrus. During the war, he equipped himself with a silver sword and plates, and slain the Leader of Zonia, Sir Kryl.
He now resides in Ganryl, a humble village to the East of Douga. "If you get his help, you can avenge Douga and free the Dougans from the evil grasp of the Zonians," using all the energy he had left, one of the old survivors said to him, full of hope.

Taking up the task, he convinced the people that he had to go alone. After leaving the survivors some supplies and hoping that they can make it to another village in time, he traveled due East. By nightfall, he was already outside Ganryl. There were no defenses and he could tell it was a peaceful village.

In seconds, Dark Fang warriors' emerged from the woods and moved stealthily into the village entering house by house and silencing the villagers. He knew he had to do something to save Sir Cyrus. The houses were all taken over, leaving the last hut at the other end. Hoping Sir Cyrus is safely in there, he quickly made his way stealthily under nature's cover towards that hut.

Appalled by finding no one, he quickly camouflaged as angry warriors charged into the hut, ransacking and turning the house upside down. Disappointed by their findings, they retreated to report the grave news that Sir Cyrus has escaped.

After silence fills the village once again, he came out of his cover and looked around for any clues where Sir Cyrus might be. After picking up a craved stone, he was suddenly grabbed from behind by two large men. Within seconds they forced a cloth over his mouth, and the last thing he saw was a fit man roughly in his thirties standing above him.


Kaltra - The Lone Walker Chapter 1 Part 3

The man lead Kaltra through a camouflaging door into a secret room. "Take anything you want," the man said in a deep voice. Kaltra's eyes shone as he browsed through the many weapons and items an adventurer usually had. Picking a sash, a cloak, some protective garment and 2 weapons, the man drew his sword and aimed it at Kaltra's neck. "Protect yourself," he shouted as he lunged his sword at Kaltra. After years of pickpocketing, he knew how to dodge an attack and escape. He quickly unsheathe his sword and faded into the surroundings. Finding the right chance, Kaltra emerged under a broken table and stabbed the man directly into his main leg, while drawing his dagger to slash the man's main arm.

The man dropped his blood-covered blade onto the floor and the blood instantly vapourised. " It is time," He whispered as he took out a map, book and some red dust. "You're now a member of the Blood Clan. Continue and relive our history, Kaltra." The man then fell into a deep trance. Kaltra breezed pass the books, which were covered in the same unknown language. Not understanding it, he decided to question the man. No reply came, so Kaltra attempted to touch him, only to find out his hand went through him. Slowly, the man vanished into thin air.

He kept the items together in his sash under his cloak and made his way around the environment in hope of finding a way back to Douga. All of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain piercing his heart, and slowly numbed his whole body until everything he saw faded.

Regaining consciousness, he drew his sword and desperately swinging it around for it was dark all over. Realising no one was around, he then moved into a rock covered area where he spent the night. He pulled out from his pocket the crystal which was covered in dust, the book and the map. Not knowing how he did it, he read the contents of the book aloud. " Only a Blood Disciple can read this book. If you have the Blood Crystal and the red dust, you would be able to gain the ability of camouflaging, the ability of mind control, the ability of becoming wolf-like and stealthily prey on your enemies for their blood. All these powers require a lot of energy in the form of blood which means you have to survive on others." He understood the meaning of the book. He felt stronger and faster, and also began to understand the Nazagrians language, used in Nazagra, home of the Blood Clan members.

As he kept the items into his sash once again, he heard steps, he knew he wasn't alone. Grabbing his cloak and focusing on camouflaging, he crept out of the rock covered corner and scouted the area. He discovered a pack of demonic looking wolves hunting for food. Not wanting to be attacked while he was sleeping, he began on his journey to Douga and to find a new spot for spending the night.

He relied on the map for direction and pressed on to Douga until he met a group of people dressed in black armour, bearing the flag of Skania, home of the Dark Fang's clan and the cross rival of the blood clan. Since he was wearing the blood clan's cloak, he decided to move onto another path through the forests instead. The lore of the book provided him with much insight of the history of the blood clan and the abilities of Blood Lords and their arch rivals.

As he was sneaking through the forest, he was pounced on by a dog and lion like creature, making him drop his sword. He drew his dagger and stuck it at the creature's neck. The creature continued to fight even though it was losing a crazy amount of blood. He fought back and grabbed the sword when he had the chance and finished the creature off by stabbing through its heart.

An unknown force pulled him towards the sword as the sword flashed bright red. During every moment of the process, he couldn't withdraw the sword no matter how hard he tried. After awhile, he was finally pushed back by a force. He never felt more refreshed and noticed that the creature was completely drained.

With his new found energy, he pressed onto Douga as fast as he could. Unfortunately, while he was sprinting he ran into a man clad in Dark armour. As he gasped in horror, he noticed the flag of Skania. The warrior drew his blade and targeted it right at Kaltra's heart. Kaltra felt the aura of evil around it, and knowing that if he did not think of something fast, his life would be ended right on that spot. His life, his promise to the Blood Clan, and his parents.


Kaltra - The Lone Walker Chapter 1 Part 2

Stealthily, he sneaked to the backdoor. After carefully checking no one was in the house, he took a pin which he found in the trashcan and attempted to pick the lock. After a few moments, he finally picked the lock and broke in, only after beads of perspiration flowed down his tanned face.

He glanced around the house once more, and when fully assured no one was around, he tiptoed across the well decorated living room and into the bedroom. After admiring the glowing stone in his palm for several minutes, he slipped it into his patched up pocket once more and slowly made his way out. Upon reaching the kitchen, the door was suddenly pushed open. "Why isn't the door locked? Dear! Did you forget to lock the door?" shouted, a lady in her forties, towards the door. "Phew, I did remember to lock the door," her husband replied as he exhaustively drop the bags of household items onto the solid marble floor. The old couple started to quarrel, and it became louder and louder.

This was his chance. He quickly hid behind obstacles objecting the couples' view of him. Finally he made it to the door unnoticed, and the couple still fighting over the unlocked door. Quickly, he held onto his pockets and made a run as fast as his legs could carry him towards his house. There, his joy was found again. This time, he felt the precious gem communicating with him, through his mind, giving him visions of warriors displaying a specific art.

He came back to Douga when his father shouted for him," Kaltra, could you help me get the daily papers from the market?" Not hesitating for another second, he readily accept the task and jogged out, in hope of discovering the secrets of the blood red crystal.

Entering the market, he quickly notice the unsual man cloaked in red standing by the famous beggar, Rygan. The jewel in his hands made him have a strong feeling that that man had something to do with it. Making your way there, you suddenly felt a tight pull on your leg, it was the beggar. You dropped a few zynes in order to shake him off fast but the man vanished more rapidly. He left behind a ragged piece of paper, bearing words or symbols of a strange and unknown language. Stuffing it into his other pocket, he quickly make his way around the market, in search of more clues as to what the red blood stone may contain or mean.

After a thorough search, he discovered nothing that has anything to do with it, losing all leads. His only hope was to find that man again. After grabbing that day's paper, he felt a strange warmness in his body which lasted only for a few seconds. While he got his hopes high, nothing happened. He was disappointed.

When he walked home, he felt a sudden burst of energy and began running home with amazing speed. Amazed by that ability, people around stared in awe with mouths open wide. Closing in on his house, he forced a stop but being new to the ability, he crashed into his front door which landed in a fatal fall onto the floor.

Shocked at what happened, his parents quickly grabbed their medicine and applied it gently onto his bruised forehead, arms and legs. After his burst of energy wore off, he fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of trophies after trophies for competitions against others in Douga.

The next morning, the call of a large and black flying creature made him jump from the hard, sandy ground, where he lay. He displayed an extremely surprised face as he began turning in circles to find out where he was. Other than a narrow and sandy path, the rest of the surroundings were covered with trees.

"Yaaak! Yaaak! Yaaa-ere's a boy there! Let's have him for lunch!" The strange language came from a short distance away, above the trees. He dived into the bushes, wishing that the flying giants would not see him. He confirmed that he had the ability to understand the creatures' language after witnessing the large and black creature yakking.

After their yakkings drown in the sound of nature, he carefully made his way towards the what seemed like a small triangular hut, alert in the new environment. Upon reaching the building, he realised it was a temple that is badly damaged and filled with sand and dead creepers all over. Walking into the half red temple, he found that same cloaked man standing in the middle, looking at a symbol. He knew it was the symbol of the Blood Clan although he had never seen it before.

As the cloaked man reveals his identity, Kaltra had a feeling, the man was a member of the Blood Clan. And, most likely also his moment of being one of them and reliving their history.


Kaltra - The lone walker Chapter 1 Part 1

Born in the outskirts of Douga in Sebiterren itself, Kaltra was in a poor family who made business by selling coats for protection against the frequent cold weather. Many had died in the past 50 years, so coats were worn by Dougans and non-Dougans alike. Kaltra was a young boy, who sneaked around picking pockets in hope for a satisfying meal everyday. He would bring home about 10 zynes, enough for one meal per family member. Zynes is the currency of Douga. Kaltra had a brother, which was lost during the war against Zonia, home to the worst enemies of Douga. His mother and father was left to protect their remaining child from danger.

It was on this day, which changed his life. After a hard day's work, Kaltra was bringing back home 15 zynes when a red crystal at a corner of the dull trash background, caught his eye. He felt something different about the crystal. He felt the power that was surrounding it. It was mesmerizing, and the strange way it was cut makes him look deep inside it, yet only so shallow on the surface.
He looked around before hastily grabbing the crystal and claiming it for his own. Slotted into a tattered pocket, he ran home faster than ever, intending to bring good news and giving his parents a better life, in return for their painful sufferings.

Upon entering his house, he rummaged his pocket and flashed a smile of great excitement. His parents looked at him, thinking that something good was going to happen. They show a worried look when Kaltra's smile turned around, his mouth partially open. Faster than before, he rummaged through his pocket, making a bigger tear in it, to find nothing was there. He lost all hope of getting rich and a better life, after scouring nearby and retracing his steps. The precious crystal was nowhere to be found. Gripped by disappointment, Kaltra bolted to a corner of his house, his head buried under his hands, forgetting all about the extra 5 zynes he found.

His parents, oblivious to the situation of the captivating crystal, comforted him by assuring him that losing zynes was alright, and that he could get it again another day. For so long, his parents never found out that he was a thief, because he kept making up jobs that he got every few weeks.

He woke up the next day feeling fresh and have already gotten over it. He was continuing his routine when a sparkle in his neighbour's house attracted his attention. It was red, he felt the power. "It must be it," he thought with a grin forming on his face.


< About the Author >


Any errors or feedbacks can be messaged through MSN or Phone or through my Blog's chatbox.
MSN skyblader3@hotmail.com
Phone 82238434
Blog http://darkness-filled.blogspot.com/

< Archive >

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  • Kaltra - The Lone Walker Chapter 1 Part 4
  • Kaltra - The Lone Walker Chapter 1 Part 3
  • Kaltra - The Lone Walker Chapter 1 Part 2
  • Kaltra - The lone walker Chapter 1 Part 1

  • September 2009
    October 2009